Damage Prevention
Since 2019 Buchanan Contracting has inspected and cleaned sanitary and storm sewer lines across Kentucky. During this process, the locations of existing infrastructure are logged and then referenced when installing or servicing utilities nearby. Utility crossbores can pose a serious threat to life and property; it is our mission to report existing damages and prevent future incidents.
Clean & Camera
BCI holds the annual sanitary sewer cleaning and inspection contracts for multiple municipalities across Kentucky. We have decades of combined experience jetting, removing roots, and PACP-certified inspecting, Whether it's in the hard or the soft, in the road or over rough terrain, we service it and provide real-time data on the health of underground infrastructure.
Chestnut Ridge
In the second half of 2024 we developed the future site of a community of homes for families affected by the 2022 flooding of eastern KY and TN. As much as we celebrate our accomplishment in completing this project, we are ultimately humbled to play a role in the region's recovery.
First In, Last Out
BCI is first on site for pre-inspections of underground infrastructure, and the last to leave as we perform the property restoration for multiple utility companies in the region. Kitchen to treatment plant, inside-out, beginning to end, Buchanan Contracting will see your project through.